Home CCTV Huddersfield
For many years CCTV was deemed a business security solution but no more. Fast growth in equipment and reduced pricing saw the domestic CCTV market swell significantly. Nowadays a one camera system can cost cheaper than a new TV. The quality of home security cameras has also increased with HD cameras and cloud recording. The image quality that can be achieved couldn’t have been envisaged 10 years ago.
In this strange year of the pandemic so many people have embraced remote conferencing apps such as Zoom, Messenger and Microsoft Teams to aid in keep loved ones connected. However, these apps are often used to connect at specific times and are not much help when wanting to see isolated family members – Welcome to the CCTV app. Each of our CCTV systems comes with app compatibility which allows you to remotely observe several regions of the home from your phone, tablet or PC. These domestic CCTV App features were intended initially for security reasons but have proved to be a brilliant feature during the pandemic giving instant peace-of-mind for those with elderly family members. The app is available on Android or IOS and allows remote monitoring of many buildings all from the same app, whether that’s your home, family, place of work or even a holiday house. You can also accept notifications should intruders be detected near your home.
Our HD cameras produce stunning footage and the day / night facility ensures you can view around your home throughout hours of darkness without the need for costly outside lights. Video recording can be either local or in the cloud and all recordings can be reviewed via the CCTV app.
Home CCTV Huddersfield – Here at Huddersfield CCTV we are specialists in home security camera systems. We can deliver an reasonably priced yet high tech solution that’s straightforward to use. All quotations are free and without obligation and can be carried out at a time to suit you.
We follow all Pandemic best practice procedures and surveys can be carried out remotely via Whatsapp or Messenger if you prefer. Call the Huddersfield based security professionals for a fast, free quote today. Simply click the button underneath and fill out our form.